Venkatraju A from NALGONDA is requesting funding for furniture

  • Dual desk benches for our classrooms

$1,403 Requested

$1,403 Remaining

Ends in 53 days

Venkatraju A



NALGONDA, Telangana

Upper Pr. and Secondary(6-10)
Project Type:



Students that will be reached.

No Donor Have Contributed to This Project

  • Dual desk benches for our classrooms

About The Project

Dual desk benches are commonly used in government schools as a seating arrangement for students. Dual desk benches take up less space than individual desks, making them a good option for classrooms with limited space. Dual desk benches encourage collaboration and teamwork among students, as they can easily work together on projects and assignments. Sitting in pairs on a dual desk bench can help students develop social skills and interact more with their peers. dual desk benches are a practical and cost-effective seating arrangement for government schools.

Project Breakdown

Name Cost Quantity Total
Dual Desk Benches $43 30 $1,296



Sales Tax



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