Industrial Sewing Machines
Project ID: 1048By swapna thalari
Telangana, India
I am writing on behalf of Model school Bachannapet, an educational institution dedicated to providing valuable skills and opportunities to individuals pursuing careers in the garment and textile industries. As part of our ongoing efforts to equip our students with the necessary tools and resources for success, we are seeking your generous support to provide industrial sewing machines for our vocational training program. Currently, we serve over 800 students, all of whom are eager to learn the art of sewing and garment construction. Industrial sewing machines are essential for offering a comprehensive and professional level of training, preparing our students for real-world challenges. These machines will enable them to enhance their skills, improve productivity, and build the confidence needed to enter the workforce. With your support, we can provide a high-quality learning environment that ensures our students are equipped with the best tools available.
₹200,000 Remaining
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